Change Is Hard

…but change is certain.

The greening of Eastern Tennessee


Wednesday Katie and I went out exploring early in the day. We knew there was no sense sticking close to the hotel because the car wasn’t going to be ready. So we headed back toward Gatlinburg, hoping to find a trail that would keep Katie happy and some photogenic stuff for me.

This time I was more observant, and as I drove into Gatlinburg I noticed the blackened hills above the commercial strip, the hulks of huge burned out homes stark against the sky. The firefighters saved the blocks of restaurants and bars, pancake houses and fudge shops, wax museums and curio shops. But all around town, at the fringes of prosperity, was evidence of the fire that roared through last October.

It is heartbreaking. Especially when you realize that some of the fires were set by humans. And that so many people died. These were people’s homes, their possessions that lay among the blackened rubble.

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And yet. It’s trying to be spring in Tennessee. Up through the blackened brush, the toppled trees, the crumbled walls bits of green are pushing through. Spring doesn’t recognize the devastation of fall. It just does spring.

After I wandered among some of the wreckage a bit I took Katie to a cool green path along the Little Pigeon River. I let her walk as long as she wanted, sniffing the fresh green. She loved it. I did too.

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We’re ready to move on, that’s for certain. But I’m glad I had this day to see up close how nature heals. We have good news too. We got the car back from the dealership yesterday late afternoon. So today, as you’re reading this Katie and I are on the road again.



We’re excited.


Author: dawnkinster

I'm a long time banker having worked in banks since the age of 17. I took a break when I turned 50 and went back to school. I graduated right when the economy took a turn for the worst and after a year of library work found myself unemployed. I was lucky that my previous bank employer wanted me back. So here I am again, a long time banker. Change is hard.

14 thoughts on “The greening of Eastern Tennessee

  1. “It just does spring.” Thank goodness for that.
    Safe travels!


  2. Glad you are on the move. So heartbreaking to see such devastation- but then hopeful when some green appears.


  3. Out of devastation – rebirth. It’s that that assures us that life will go on. So happy glad you have your car back and the freedom to continue your adventure.


  4. Those fires are so scary. We get them a lot here in CA. Glad mom found a nice trail
    Lily & Edward


  5. Just love seeing the photos of the gorgeous Katie!! I can tell she was loving it!!!! Glad you got the car back too, stay safe!!!


  6. Nature is amazing, isn’t it? Glad your wheels are repaired and can hardly wait to see where you land this time!


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